Policy advice based on scientific excellence
EuroCARE GmbH Bonn is a consultancy specialized in quantitative and qualitative analysis of agricultural and environmental policies. Our mission is to deliver scientifically sound and independent analysis, bridging the gap between academic research and policy design. Drawing from a pool of analysts and international experts from our large academic network, we provide our services with teams selected according to the client's individual project requirements. The EuroCARE team consists of agricultural economists. It maintains close links to the Economic and Agricultural Policy group at the Institute for Food and Resource Economics (University of Bonn) which is leading in the field of policy impact assessment for agriculture.
A core service is the quantitative analysis based on complex simulation models such as CAPRI. Completed projects include analyses of the potential effects of
(I) reforms of the EU's Common Agricultural Policy and trade policies,
(II) environmental policies, for example greenhouse gas emissions and carbon effects (LULUCF) in land using sectors, and non-CO2 emissions in agriculture,
(III) long-term drivers for agriculture and global agricultural markets.
We also support clients by developing software solutions or providing scientific advice and training in the field of economic simulation models and related databases.