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Contributions to scientific conferences


Chang, C.-Y., Witzke, H.-P., Latka, C. (2018): A Model for Data Consolidation of the Fish Market in CAPRI, Poster presented at the ICAE 30th Conference, July 28 – August 2, 2018, Vancouver (Canada).


Frank S, Witzke P, Zimmermann A, Havlík P, Ciaian P (2014): Climate Change Impacts on European Agriculture: A Multi Model Perspective, Contributed paper for the 14th EAAE congress, Ljubiliana. Link.

Witzke P, Van Doorslaer B, Huck I, Salputra G, Fellmann T, Drabik D, Weiss F, Leip A (2014): Assessing the Importance of Technological non-CO2 GHG Emission Mitigation Options in EU Agriculture with the CAPRI model, Contributed paper for the 14th EAAE congress, Ljubiliana.Link.


Blanco M., Britz W., Witzke H.P., Van Doorslaer B. (2013): Joint assessment of water and agricultural policies: a Pan-European multidimensional modelling approach, selected paper presented at the 133rd EAAE-Seminar , June 14-15, 2013, Chania (Greece).

Adenäuer, M., Wieck, C., Witzke, H.-P. (2013): Global land use change: Intensification or extensification? , selected paper presented at the 133rd EAAE-Seminar, June 14-15, 2013, Chania (Greece).

Britz, W., Witzke, H.-P. (2013): Use of economic modelling in agricultural policy , selected paper presented at the 6th DAES Conference "Tools for Decision Support in Agriculture and Rural Development" , April 18 - 19, 2013, Krsko (Slovenija).


Britz, W., Jansson, T., Törmä, H., Witzke, H.-P., Zawaliñska, K., Dwyer, J. (2011): Modelling CAP Pillar I and II instruments - approaches in the CAPRI-RD project , selected paper presented at the European Association of Agricultural Economics Conference 2011, August 30th - September 2nd, 2011, Zurich (Switzerland).


Witzke, H.-P., Fabiosa, J., Gay, S. H., Golub, A., Havlik, P., Msangi, S., Tokgoz, S., Searchinger, T. (2010): A decomposition approach to assess ILUC results from global modeling efforts , selected paper presented at the IATRC Public Trade Policy Research and Analysis Symposium "Climate Change in World Agriculture: Mitigation, Adaptation, Trade and Food Security," June 27 - 29, 2010, Universität Hohenheim, Stuttgart (Germany).