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Update of CAPRI tariff and trade database and split of Australia-New Zealand regional block (CAPRI Trade Update)


European Commission Directorate Sustainable Resources


2019 - 2020


Consortium ENgAGE (Expert Network for Agro-Economic modelling):

  • JRC Joint Research Center
  • Stichting Wageningen Research (project leader)
  • EuroCARE GmbH
  • Johann Heinrich von Thuenen-Institut


    In 2018 the European Commission has formally launched negotiations with New Zealand and Australia with the objective of concluding free trade agreements (FTAs) with both of these countries. Both Australia and New Zealand are important trading partners of the EU with regard to agri-food commodities. Furthermore, agricultural commodity trade is expected to arise as a sensitive topic during the negotiations of the FTAs. The Commission, therefore, considers that improving the capacity of its modelling suite (including CAPRI model) to quantitatively assess the impacts of the above FTAs is of importance for evidence based EU policy-making. The split of Australia and New Zealand which currently form one country block in CAPRI is therefore an important step in preparing the model for advanced policy analysis on the two upcoming FTAs.

    Aim and objective

    The general objective of this specific contract is to improve the potential of CAPRI for trade policy impact analysis

  • 1. by updating its tariff and trade database related to calculation of the tariffs;
  • 2. by consolidating its concordance tables to the updated HS nomenclature and;
  • 3. by splitting the Australia – New Zealand regional aggregate into two countries in the CAPRI market module. Tariff and trade data will be acquired directly by the Commission from ITC, and provided to the Contractor for further processing.


  • 1. Update of CAPRI database
  • 2. Separation of Australia-New Zealand regional aggregate, update of the Baseline and CAPRI GUI
  • 3. Validation of model developments and update of CAPRI trunk