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Assessing the potential for undesirable 'land abandonment' (or land use change) to result from further CAP reform or trade liberalisation (LandAbandon)


Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA)


July 2009 - May 2010

Organisation and Subcontractors

SAC Commercial Ltd

SLU (Swedish University of Agricultural Science)

Wageningen University

EuroCARE GmbH Bonn


The aim of the project is to conduct detailed economic and spatial research on the implications of further trade liberalisation and CAP reform on:

  • the type and distribution of farm types
  • the type and distribution of land use
  • in selected member states of the EU. In particular, to assess the extent to which a further CAP reform will result in reduced land areas and lower densities of enterprises devoted to types of farming seen to be of cultural, environmnental or social importance. And to assess the targeted policy transfers required to mitigate or avoid these changes.

    Activities to achieve this aim:

    • The specification of a model with a sufficiently fine geographical resolution
    • Construction of the data set
    • Simulation of three policy scenarios related to CAP reform and trade liberalisation
    • Estimation of targeted policy transfers required to maintain a specified structural pattern of farm type and land use
    • Production of a report for each member state detailing the required research outputs

    Contributions of EuroCARE

    • Developing of a methodology for the CAPRI model to analyse changes under agreed scenarios for Germany, France, Spain, Poland, Greece and UK