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EcAMPA Projects:

(1) Economic assessment of GHG mitigation policy options for EU agriculture (EcAMPA-I)

(2) CAPRI GHG emission accounting and EcAMPA-II

(3) CAPRI GHG emission accounting and EcAMPA-III

(4) Interactions between Agriculture, Forestry and Land use (AFOLU) and Farm Practices for the Common Agricultural Policy (EcAMPA-IV)


Joint Research Centre (JRC)


EcAMPA-I September 2013 - July 2014

EcAMPA-II May 2015 - May 2016

EcAMPA-III December 2016 - May 2018

EcAMPA-IV Febuary 2020 - ongoing


Consortium ENgAGE (Expert Network for Agro-Economic modelling) represented by LEI, institute within the legal entity Stichting Dienst Landbouwkundig Onderzoek, Wageningen. Active members of the team were:

  • EuroCARE GmbH (co-ordinating in EcAMPA-I, EcAMPA-II, EcAMPA-III)

  • SLU, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Torbjoern Jansson (EcAMPA-I and EcAMPA-II, mainly for emission leakage, EcAMPA-IV)

  • Thomas Fellmann (EcAMPA-I)

  • SAC Commercial Ltd, Vera Eory (EcAMPA-III, EcAMPA-IV)

The leading role of JRC staff in scenario design and interpretation should be stressed. JRC staff also contributed to technical achievements in terms of the original idea for mitigation handling (Ingo Huck) as well as significant refinements and extensions for the specification of mitigation options (Franz Weiss).



In 2013, the Joint Research Centre, Institute of Prospective Technological Studies (JRC-IPTS) launched a study on the "Economic assessment of GHG mitigation policy options for EU agriculture" (EcAMPA) in 2013. The underlying impact assessment was perfomed with CAPRI that required modifications to endogenise mitigation choices. In essence Ecampa-I introduced rendered some technical coefficients variable at a certain cost that have only been varied in an exogenous manner in previous studies. A set of hypothetical scenarios was performed to stimulate the policy debate.


General objectives of EcAMPA-II are to (i) further improve CAPRI in terms of technological GHG mitigation options and emission accounting and (ii) carry out a number of mitigation policy scenarios. In terms of improvements the specificaiton of techncological mitigaiton options has been updated and extended. The estimation of emission leakage effects has been improved by considering technological change over time. Carbon dioxide emissions have been fully introduced into the EU emission accounting based on a full land transition matrix. For non-EU regions the coverage of LUC effects has been extended to grassland, drawing on the GGELS study.


The CAPRI methodology on technical mitigation has been reviewed and refined regarding cost assumptions and regarding the measures considered. Furthermore the accounting and mitigation of CO2 effects was fully integrated in the CAPRI supply models. The updated system was applied in a large measure by measure set of scenarios but also used to determine marginal abatement cost curves with a potentially simultaneous use of all mitigation options.


The methodology used so far needs further refinements regarding the validation of results (especially for the LULUCF sectors) and should be tested within a specific policy scenario framework. Moreover, the EcAMPA way of modelling climate change mitigation technologies could be expanded to cover the endogenous implementation of new farm practices for the future Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). The specific objectives of the study are:

  • Further update of the CAPRI database and construction of an updated baseline both for 2030 and 2050
  • Improvement of the representation of land use change and forestry emissions in CAPRI such as to allow for an integrated analysis of climate change mitigation policies affecting both the agricultural and forestry sectors
  • Implementing new farm practices likely to be addressed by the new CAP as a way to reflect a higher level of environmental ambition and to contribute to the achievement of the EU environmental objectives
  • Carry out counterfactual policy scenarios related to the LULUCF and agriculture sectors to test the new model developments

Contributions of EuroCARE

EuroCARE provides general support on database and baseline updates and contributed improvements in mitigation accounting and modelling, both for non-CO2 and well as for CO2.


EcAMPA-I: Van Doorslaer, B, P. Witzke, I. Huck, F. Weiss, T. Fellmann, G. Salputra, T. Jansson, D. Drabik, A. Leip (2015): GHG emissions in agriculture: CAPRI model improvements and analysis of EU mitigation policy options, JRC Technical Reports, European Commission

EcAMPA-II: Pérez Domínguez, I., T. Fellmann, F. Weiss, P. Witzke, J. Barreiro-Hurlé, M. Himics, T. Jansson, G. Salputra, A. Leip (2016): An economic assessment of GHG mitigation policy options for EU agriculture (EcAMPA 2), JRC Science for Policy Report, European Commission

EcAMPA-III: Pérez Domínguez I., Fellmann T., Witzke P., Weiss F., Hristov J., Himics M., Barreiro-Hurle J., Gómez Barbero M., Leip A. (2020): Economic assessment of GHG mitigation policy options for EU agriculture: A closer look at mitigation options and regional mitigation costs, JRC Technical Reports, European Commission