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Long-term analyses of LULUCF options at EU level (LULUCF2011)


IIASA (International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis), Laxenburg, Austria


October 2010 – September 2011


Project leader: IIASA

Consortium composed of

  • EFI (European Forest Institute), Joensuu, Finland

  • Alterra, Wageningen, The Netherlands

  • EuroCARE GmbH


This project provided a model-based quantitative assessment of the economic, environmental and social impacts of an inclusion of the LULUCF sector in the EU greenhouse gas reduction commitment in the short, medium and long term (2020, 2030 and 2050). It involved:

  • To prepare a consistent baseline projection for the net emissions from the LULUCF sector at the Member State level

  • To adapt and update the modelling tools in order to analyse the economic, social and environmental implications of several policy options

  • To assess the impact of selected alternative policy options (scenarios)

Contributions of EuroCARE

  • EuroCARE developed a baseline for agricultural activities and markets to be compared and partly aligned with GLOBIOM. In this context a careful comparion of key market and activity data has been carried out.

  • As the project required and assessment of net GHG emission from agriculture, including carbon effects, a post model accounting framework for soil organic carbon effects based on the MITERRA model (in turn based on IPCC) has been implemented to supplement the carbon assessment based on the methodology from the GGELS report. The new accounting has been used to assess relevant elements of the CAP "greening" proposals at the time (grass land protection, crop diversification, ecological set aside).