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Introduction of organic farming into the CAPRI supply model (CAPRI Organic Farming)


European Commission DG Environment


2021 - 2023


ENgAGE (Expert Network for Agro-Economic modelling):

  • Joint Research Center (JRC)
  • Stichting Wageningen Research
  • EuroCARE GmbH (project leader)
  • Johann Heinrich von Thuenen-Institut

Research context

This project aims at the development and implementation of a methodology to introduce organic farming into the supply side of the CAPRI model for the EU countries, the update of the respective CAPRI database and baseline and an assessment of the feasibility of separating organic and conventional produce at the market level, on top of the envisaged split at the supply level. Organic farming, is getting increased attention within the European policy agenda. In particular, within the Farm to Fork strategy the European Commission set the goal of 25% of total farmland being used for organic farming by 2030. Therefore the separation of organic farming from conventional production systems is necessary for an appropriate evaluation of policy impacts on agri-food markets and the environment.

Aim and objective

The general objective of this specific contract is to extend the potential of CAPRI for agricultural policy impact analysis to include organic farming as a sustainable production practice. The specific objectives are:

  • Developing the approach most suitable for the successful implementation of organic farming (OF) into the current model framework and for diverse scenario analysis with regard to OF and general agricultural policy impacts.
  • Implementing this approach into the model accompanied by the relevant update of the CAPRI database, the required parameters and expert knowledge, according to good modelling practice.
  • Generating a CAPRI baseline that includes OF and a scenario for testing the model performance.

Main tasks

  • Task 1: Technical preparations, data collection and update of the COCO CAPRI database
  • Task 2: Regionalization of time series
  • Task 3: Base year calibration and trends estimation
  • Task 4: Baseline calibration
  • Task 5: Validation of model developments and integration into the trunk
  • Task 6: Updating satellite components of CAPRI to correspond to the newly developed organic framing modelling system
  • Task 7: Feasibility assessment of implementing markets for organic commodities in CAPRI and adaptation of the CAPRI water module

Contribution of Eurocare

EuroCARE GmbH will be a lead partner in the ENGAGE consortium to carry out this study repsonible for the COCO database and trend estimations. For specific questions EuroCARE has secured support by subcontracting experts familiar with their topics. It is also anticipated that JRC (D4 and D5) staff contributes specific expertise in the areas of trend projections, test scenarios and consideration of mitigation measures.