Trade modelling improvements (Trade2012)
("Improving calibration work and trade and sugar related policy impact analysis in the CAPRI model")
Joint Research Centre (JRC)
May 2012 - August 2013
Under the Framework contract for ENgAGE (Expert Network for Agro-Economic modelling) represented by Wageningen Economic Research (formerly LEI) and legally Stichting Dienst Landbouwkundig Onderzoek, Wageningen
EuroCARE GmbH exclusively responsible. Key experts were Marcel Adenäuer, Wolfgang Britz, and Mihaly Himics.
The project combines various improvements relevant for CAPRI trade modelling:
Additional monitoring options for the market model calibration process with gdx output of intermediate steps
New geographical layer of "trade policy regions" in case that "trade regions" share a common trade policy. Most relevant for the case of the EU that combines (in 2013) the trade regions "EU15", "EU10" and "Bulgaria and Romania". Activating this new feature avoids the need to arbitrarily allocate TRQs from the EU to the three trade regions.
Revision of the country aggregation in CAPRI, among other changes to identify as single regions Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, South Korea.
Introducing automatic mechanisms to handle the regime switch from sugar quota abolition on biofuel markets (ethanol beets not benefiting from "C-sugar" anymore).
Contributions of EuroCARE
EuroCARE handling all tasks.