Towards RUral Synergies and Trade-offs between Economic development and Ecosystem services (TRUSTEE)
RURAGRI Eranet and Bundesministerium fuer Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)
September 2013 – February 2017
Project leader: CESAER (Economics and Sociology Applied to Agriculture and Rural Areas), Dijon, France
The consortium includes, apart from 4 other units of INRA (SADAPT, Economie Publique, SMART, ODR) the following partners:
- CNRS - TheMA (Theorizing and Modeling to plan), France
- SLU (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences), Sweden
- Thünen Institute, Germany
- UPM (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid), Spain
- CTFC (Forest Technology Centre of Catalonia), Spain
- UCD (University College Dublin), Ireland
- IIASA (International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis), Laxenburg, Austria
- Wageningen University, Netherlands
- University of Perugia, Italy
- University of Latvia, Latvia
- MNHN (Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle), France
- EuroCARE GmbH
TRUSTEE is a three-year research collaboration between sixteen European partners from universities, science academies and research institutions aimed at understanding the complex relationships between economic development, land use and ecosystem services in rural areas at different spatial scales. The project implements an interdisciplinary approach bringing together economists, geographers, agronomists, and ecologists. The main objectives are:
- (i) analyse the multi-scaled determinants of economic development and ecosystem services;
- (ii) increase our understanding of mutual benefits for economic development in rural areas and ecosystem services;
- (iii) identify governance mechanisms and policy instruments enhancing sustainable rural vitality;
Contributions of EuroCARE
EuroCARE is mainly involved in economic modelling with CAPRI:
- Contributions to a coordinated baseline between CAPRI and GLOBIOM (jointly with IIASA)
- Annual CAPRI training sessions (jointly with TI and others)
- Revision of the CAPRI land use mechanisms (jointly with SLU)
CAPRI Presentation from the Trustee final meeting, Dijon, 26.06.2016.